Anniversary Backgammon Tournaments

Istavder 17th Anniversary Feast Main Tournament 24 April, 17.30

Discounted Registration Ends In:

Register Now

17th Anniversary Backgammon Feast Results




Founded in 2008, Istanbul Backgammon club proudly invites you to its 17th Anniversary Tournament. This upcoming Backgammon Feast will be hosting around 1.000 players from all over the Globe. The tournament venue is         WOW Istanbul Hotel’s giant 3.000 m2 hall. All matches will be played on FM Gammon boards and FTBG System triple elimination method will be used.

We are looking forward to seeing all backgammon fans at this event which is one of the biggest in the world, where a total prize of € 100.000 will be awarded.


Main Activity registration will be open until 22nd April - 19:00

Main Activity start time: 24th April, Thursday - 17:30

Main Activity Organization Fee*: € 115  *: € 95 for those who register until March 1st, 2025

All main activity participants have a free pass to play in the 2048 players DMP (one point) tournament.

FM PR Digital Board Tournament: € 150 (limited to 32 players) and starts at 22nd April - 13:00

Consulting Doubles registration will be open until 22nd April - 19:00

Consulting Doubles start time: 23rd April, Wednesday - 11:00

Consulting Doubles Organization Fee*: € 110 / Team

*: € 90 for those who register until March 1st, 2025  (No Elimination until 2 losses)

Team Activities registration will be open until 23rd April - 23:00

Team Activities start time: 24th April, Thursday - 11:00

Team Activities Organization Fee*: € 150 / Team

*: € 125 for those who register until March 1st, 2025

Speed Gammon: € 20

Ladies Special: € 20

DMP (1 point) (2048): € 10 (free entry for main activity participants)

There will be no pre-registrations for the tournament. All registrations will only be finalized after filling out the relevant info and making the payments on 

Please, contact for all your questions and requests.


Main Activity:

Champion: Championship Trophy + FMGammon Talât Premium backgammon set + FMGammon Mini backgammon set + Grand Pasha 350 FT (€)+ € 17.500 of Sponsorship Award

2nd Place: Trophy + € 1.000 worth of Gift Certificate from FMGammon + FMGammon Mini backgammon set + Grand Pasha 350 FT (€) + € 5.000 of Sponsorship Award

3rd Place: Trophy + € 750 worth of Gift Certificate from FMGammon + FMGammon Mini backgammon set + Grand Pasha 350 FT (€) + € 2.000 of Sponsorship Award

4th Place: Trophy + € 650 worth of Gift Certificate from FMGammon + FMGammon Mini backgammon set + Grand Pasha 350 FT (€) + € 1.000 of Sponsorship Award

5th Place: Trophy + € 650 worth of Gift Certificate from FMGammon + FMGammon Mini backgammon set + Grand Pasha 350 FT (€) + € 1.000 of Sponsorship Award

6th Place: Trophy + € 650 worth of Gift Certificate from FMGammon + FMGammon Mini backgammon set + Grand Pasha 350 FT (€) + € 1.000 of Sponsorship Award

7th - 20th Place (14 players): Trophy + FMGammon Mini backgammon set + Grand Pasha 350 FT (€)

Approximately 110 players who continue in the main draw until Saturday (9 or so rounds) will be awarded with FMGammon Mini  backgammon sets

2048 Participants DMP (1 pnt):

32 finalists will be awarded medals + FMGammon Mini Nature backgammon sets.

(Players that win 6 matches in a row will be awarded participation in the 32 player DMP Super Final).

DMP Super Final 32 Championship Prize: Trophy + € 750 worth of Gift Certificate from FMGammon

Consolation 1st Place: Trophy + € 650 worth of Gift Certificate from FMGammon + FMGammon Mini backgammon set + Grand Pasha 350 FT (€)

Consolation 2nd Place: Trophy + € 650 worth of Gift Certificate from FMGammon + FMGammon Mini  backgammon set

All players that are still playing in Consolation on Sunday morning will be awarded an FMGammon Mini Nature backgammon set. 

Last Chance 1st Place: Trophy + € 650 worth of Gift Certificate from FMGammon + FMGammon Mini backgammon set + Grand Pasha 350 FT (€)

Last Chance 2nd Place: Trophy + € 650 worth of Gift Certificate from FMGammon + FMGammon Mini backgammon set

All players that have advanced to the fifth round in the Last Chance will be awarded an FMGammon Mini backgammon set (Approximately 60 players)

Consulting Doubles: (No Elimination until 2 losses)

Champion Team: Trophies for both players + € 650 worth of Gift Certificates from FMGammon + € 5.000 / Team of Sponsorship Award

2nd Place: Trophies for both players + € 500 worth of Gift Certificates from FMGammon + € 2.000 / Team of Sponsorship Award

3rd Place: Trophies for both players + € 350 worth of Gift Certificates from FMGammon + € 1.000 / Team of Sponsorship Award

4th Place: Trophies for both players + € 350 worth of Gift Certificates from FMGammon + € 1.000 / Team of Sponsorship Award

5th - 8th Place: Trophies for both players + FMGammon Mini Nature backgammon boards

9th - 10th Place: FMGammon Mini Nature backgammon boards

Team Activities: Teams that finish in the top three will be rewarded with trophies, medals for the players + FMGammon gifts

Speed Gammon: The prizes will be announced during the tournament

Ladies Special: The prizes will announced during the tournament

FM PR Digital Board Tournament (limited to 32 players):

Champion: Trophy + € 1.750 Grand Pasha FT (€)

2nd - 6th Place:  Grand Pasha 300 FT (€)

PR 1st Place:  Trophy + Grand Pasha  150 FT (€)

Tournament Schedule:

22nd April, 2025 Tuesday

13:00 - FMPR Digital Board Tournament start (limited to 32 players) (all matches to 7 points, 14 minutes + 12 seconds)

23rd April, 2025 Wednesday

11:00 - Consulting Doubles 1st round (all matches to 7 points, 14 minutes + 12 seconds and 6 rounds will be played the first day.) (No Elimination until 2 losses)

16:00 - Start of 1 Point (DMP) tournaments

24th April, 2025 Thursday

11:00 - Start of Team Activities (teams of five, 5 points, 5 minutes + 12 seconds) The Team Captain should form his team from players who are eliminated from Consulting Doubles. Thus enabling a smooth running of Team Activities.

11:00 - Resume of Consulting Doubles

16:45  Opening Ceremony

17:30 - 17th Anniversary Main Activity 1st round (all matches to 9 points, 14 minutes + 12 seconds)

20:00 - 17th Anniversary Main Activity 2nd round

21:00 - Resume of Consulting Doubles

25th April, 2025 Friday

11:00 - Main Activity 3rd round

13:00 - Main Activity 4th round

13:30 - Resume of DMP (1 point) tournaments

15:00 - Main Activity 5th round

17:00 - Main Activity 6th round

20:00 - Main Activity 7th round

22:00 - Main Activity 8th round

26th April, 2025 Saturday

10:30 - Start of Consolation* Bracket (all matches to 7 points, 10 minutes + 12 seconds)

*: Only players that are eliminated from the Main Activity in the first 8 rounds can participate

11:00 - 17th Anniversary Main Activity 9th round

12:00 - Resume of 1 Point (DMP) tournaments

13:00 - Main Activity 10th round

15:00 - Start of Speed Gammon (all matches to 5 points, 2 minutes + 10 seconds) (players active in the main draw cannot participate)

15:00 - Main Activity 11th round

17:00 - Main Activity 12th round

20:00 - Ladies Special Tournament (players active in the main draw cannot participate)

20:00 - Main Activity 13th round

22:00 - Main Activity 14th round

27th April, 2025 Sunday

10:30 - Start of Last Chance (all matches Speed Gammon style, 5 points, 2 minutes + 10 seconds)

11:00 - Main Activity 15th round

14:00 - Resume of 1 Point (DMP) tournaments

17.00 - Start of all Finals

20:30 - Awards Ceremony + Cocktail + Ending Party

 Anniversary Feast General Terms and Conditions:

  • Istavder tournament rules will be applied all through the event.
  • All tournament areas will be monitored with cameras. Personal belongings left at the tables (dice, phones, etc.) should not be touched by anyone. Even if taken with good intentions, any player removing a forgotten item will be expelled from the tournament if she/he is caught on camera. Even staff are not allowed to remove forgotten items. The owner will be waited upon to come back to the table to retrieve her/his items.
  • Registrations for the Main Activity and Consulting Doubles will be taken at until 19:00 hours on 22nd  April, 2025.
  • The Organization Committee holds the right to refuse the participation of any player. In case of such a refusal, that player will be refunded all the fees she/he has paid for participation.
  • Minimum age for participation is 18. However, The Tournament Director may allow the participation of a younger player who have formerly played in other international tournaments and hence is familiar with the rules of tournament play.
  • Use of all tobacco products is forbidden indoors.
  • All matches will be played on FMGammon boards. The Organization Committee may have some matches played on FM Digital Boards.
  • It is mandatory to use precision dice, a game clock and lipped dice cups in all matches.
  • All main activity matches are 9 points with the clock set at 14 minutes with 12 seconds delay.
  • All consulting doubles matches are 7 points with the clock set at 14 minutes with 12 seconds delay.
  • All consolation matches are 7 points with the clock set at 10 minutes with 12 seconds delay.
  • All last chance matches are 5 points with the clock set at 2 minutes with 10 seconds delay.
  • All matches in the Team Activities are 5 points with the clock set at 5 minutes with 12 seconds delay. Registrations for the Team Activities will be taken on FTBG System. Team name and the Team Captain’s name is enoug to register. The Team Captain should form his team from players who are eliminated from Consulting Doubles. Thus enabling a smooth running of Team Activities.
  • No breaks are allowed during a match. One emergency break of 5 minutes may be allowed. Any player not back at the table after 5 minutes, or using an extra break without the knowledge of the tournament directors accepts that his clock will be started after 5 minutes is up.
  • All matches at all rounds start simultaneously at a pre-determined time. Any player who is not at her/his designated table at the pre-determined time accepts that her/his clock will be started after 5 minutes elapsed after the pre-determined start time.
  • Consulting Doubles is an activity for teams consisting of two players. Single player teams are not allowed to register for Consulting Doubles.
  • In some instances where a member of a Consulting Doubles team has a match in the Main Activity with a conflicting start time with his doubles match, The Tournament Director may deem it necessary to order that team to play with one participant in the consulting Doubles in order to prevent delays in the Main Acitivity. The member of the Consulting Doubles team who has the match in the Main Activity has no right to object to this ruling. If he choses to do so, his clock in the Main Acitvity match will be started.
  • There will not be a prize match for players that are eliminated at the same round. The prize will be distributed equally between all players that are eliminated at that round. Only for the trophy will there be a match played.
  • If there are 3 players left standing with an equal number of losses and equal BYE’s, the total prize will be divided equally amongst these 3 players. There will be matches for the winner's trophy. The draw for the BYE will be done manually.
  • The game clocks will be stationary at the match tables all through the tournament.
  • The winner of a game will log the match result using the FTBGSYSTEM.
  • Once the tournament reaches the final stages where there are only 3, 5 or 7 players left, and where the player having a BYE will have a great advantage, determining of the player that will go BYE the next round will be done by MANUAL DRAW.
  • Application of BYE rounds: In the main activity, all through the first 8 rounds, BYE’s will be drawn amongst players with the MOST losses. Starting with the 9th round till the end, BYE’s will be drawn amongst players with the LEAST losses.
  • Every player has to play her/his match at the designated table determined by the draw. Any request to change the determined table, including requests for recording the matches, will be denied.
  • If a match is chosen by The Organization Committee for recording OR live streaming over the internet, the participants of that match have no right to object to that choice.
  • The Tournament Organization Committee will be sharing many images during AND after the tournament on social media accounts, including Facebook and Instagram. Players objecting to the aforementioned sharings should not participate in this tournament.
  • All trophies will ONLY be presented at the Prize Ceremony.
  • FM PR Digital Board Tournament will be played on 16 tablets hence the maximum allowance of 32 participants. All attendees will play five 7 point matches.

Accommodations and Transfers info:

In order to be able to benefit from the special tournament prices spanning 21st to 28th April, 2025, players must register for the Main Activity first. These prices are ONLY available for tournament players.

WOW Airport Hotel (4 stars):  For room reservations:

Prices include VAT, City Tax, Breakfast, Dinner and a soft drink at dinner.

Single Standard room: € 75

Double Standard room: € 90

Triple Standard room: € 105

WOW Istanbul Hotel (5 stars):  For room reservations:

Prices include VAT, City Tax, Breakfast, Dinner and a soft drink at dinner.

Single Standard room: € 90

Double Standard room: € 105

Triple Standard room: € 120

Both hotels are equidistant from the tournament venue.

For players not staying at the hotel; Breakfast: 20€ Dinner: 40€

Information Desk: +90 212 444 0 969

Address: WOW Hotels Yeşilköy - Istanbul

Airports - Hotel Transfer: Tamonna Travel

Mr. Onur Taşkın

Whatsapp: +90 541 299 0846

Istanbul Airport to WOW Hotels: € 55 (1 to 5 persons)

Istanbul Airport to WOW Hotels: € 70 (6 to 10 persons)

Sabiha Gökçen Airport to WOW Hotels: € 60 (1 to 5 persons)

Sabiha Gökçen Airport to WOW Hotels: € 75 (6 to 10 persons)

Winners of past Anniversary Tournaments:

16th: 1-Arslan Volkan Aktaş, 2-Selin Kurt

15th: 1-Songuili Amirov (Georgia), 2-Mehmet Çakıcı (KKTC)

14th: 1-Erkul Şen, 2-Jakop Garal (Ukraine)

12th: 1-Dinçer Güneş, 2-Samet Kurtulmuş,

11th: 1-Umur Aras, 2-Mihai Catalin Armania (Romania),

10th: 1-Juergen Orlowski (Germany), 2-Mehmet Ali Akpolat,

9th: 1/3-Ali Cihangir Çetinel / Dinçer Güneş / Bülent Karabulut,

8th: 1-Amin Shahvalizade (Iran), 2-Hüseyin Özdağ,

7th: 1-Amir Eshraghi (Iran), 2-Ali Cihangir Çetinel,

6th: 1-Burhan Yılmazer, 2-Murat Cengiz,

5th: 1-Parviz Rokh (Iran), 2-Erhan Yenişen,

4th: 1-Hisar Uyar, 2-İlhan Koç,

3rd: 1-Talat Papatya, 2-Gökay Güleç,

2nd: 1-Jürgen Orlowski (Germany), 2-Dursun Çetin,

1st: 1-Cem Duran, 2-Hakan Ertekin,
